Reconcile on the
Library '97

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(These instructions are included with the Windows versions of the Collectors Library 97)

The 1995 edition of the LDS Collectors Library allowed you to personalize the Library by adding highlighters, cross-reference links, margin notes, etc. Any personalizations you made were saved in a shadow file. A shadow file is like a transparency laid over the top of the Library. You can add personalized items to the "transparency," or shadow file, without affecting the Libary itself.

To continue using that shadow file with the 1997 edition of the Library, you must first find the point in the 1997 edition where the personalizations from the 1995 edition should be applied. This process is called "reconciling" a shadow file. During the reconcilation process, Folio Bound Views will attempt to apply the appropriate text in the 1997 edition. You can then review and edit the text to ensure that the personal markings were applied correctly.

Warning: Depending on the size of your shadow file and the speed of your machine, our tests indicate that the reconcile process could take from between 15 minutes to well over an hour.

Steps to Reconcile a Shadow File

Note: These instructions are for reconciling the default shadow file, LDSCL.SDW, from th LDS Collectors Library '95. If you have been using a different shadow file which you wish to reconcile, follow these instructions and substitute your shadow file for the default shadow file where appropriate.

1 In the File Manager (or Windows Explorer, if you're using Windows 95) make a copy of the shadow file (ldscl.sdw) in the LDS Collectors Library '95 directory (c:\ldscl) and place it in the LDS Collectors Library '97 directory (c:\ldscl97).
2 Open the LDS Collectors Library '97.
3 Choose Close from the File menu. This closes the LDS Collectors Library '97 default shadow file and allows you to open the LDS Collectors Library '95 default shadow file.
4 Choose Open from the File menu.
5 Click the drop-arrow beside the "List files of Type" field and choose Folio Shadow File.
6 In the File Name list, double-click on ldscl.sdw.
The "Reconcile Shadow File" dialog box will appear.
7 Click the Options button.
The "Reconcile Options" dialog box will appear.
8 In the "Deletions from master infobase" section, click on Delete.
9 Click OK.
You return to the "Reconcile Shadow File" dialog box.
10 Click Reconcile.

Once the reconciliation is complete, you will need to review how the personalizations you made in the 1995 edition have been applied to the 1997 edition and make any needed changes.

Steps to Review and Edit the Reconciled Shadow File

1 Choose Shadow from the File menu.
A cascading menu appears beside Shaow. From this menu, select Tag Reconciled Records. This tags every record to which changes were made during the reconciliation.
2 Choose Keep Tags from the Edit menu. This will cause only those records affected by the reconciliation to be displayed.
The X beside reconciled records is called a reconcile marker. You can remove it at any time by choosing Shadow from the Edit menu, and selecting Remove Reconcile Marker from the cascading menu. The X may not disappear immediately, but it will be gone the next time you open the shadow file.
3 In the document window, scroll through the records and review how your previous personalizations have been applied. As you review, pay attention to highlighters, links, and notes. Make sure that they are applied appropriately throughout the LDS Collectors Library '97.
4 You can toggle between seeing only those records affected by the reconciliation and seeing every record in the Library by choosing Unkeep Tags from the Edit menu. This is useful if you need to see the records around a tagged record to determine if a personalization has been applied correctly. Choose Keep Tags from the Edit menu to return to view of only tagged records.
5 When you are finished reviewing the shadow file, choose Save from the File menu. Then choose Exit from the File menu. You will now need to rename the reconciled shadow file.

Steps to Rename the Reconciled Shadow File

Note: If you are not using the default shadow file, these steps are unnecessary.

1 In the File Manager (or Windows Explorer, if you're using Windows 95) rename the LDS Collectors Library '97 shadow file (cl97.sdw) to cl97.old.
2 Rename the shadow file you just reconciled (ldscl.sdw) to cl97.sdw.
When you want to use the reconciled shadow file, just open the LDS Collectors Library '97. If you are not using the default shadow file. open your shadow file as you normally would.

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Copyright ©1997 Infobases, Inc. All rights reserved.
This site was last revised August 1997 by Paul Seamons
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